Attractions of a Devil, Pt. 2

Diyan Gawdan
2 min readOct 5, 2019

Nov. 29th, 2015

twin bookshelves

‘Are you happy?’, Shireen asked, and I smiled answering her complicated question. ‘No, should one be happy?’, she frowned, hitting the pebbles on the ground with each step we took. My answer didn’t satisfy her, for she was incredibly optimistic and believed in emotions over firm-mindedness.

‘you know, happiness is a state of mind.’ she insisted. something crawled up my tongue and I lost control of my words, ‘In that mind of yours, the only thing keeping you happy is the fake friendships with whoever says Hi to you!’ I continued, ‘and don’t get me started with your list of crushes you always keep in track, the seasonal man toys you must have!’

I wish if I could attain myself from hurting the people I most care about, if Shireen was glass, I certainly heard her break. The walk home became longer than ever, having the same destination, we were unable to separate paths, only to keep quiet.

Skies had showered the night before, leaving all sorts of little dead insects and birds on the sidewalks. as we reached our final block together, we stumbled upon a bird shrugging in a creek.

Shireen had been the type of person who could handle everything and anything, while I was the one with a short-temper and sharp straight-forward. In a world where equilibrium was a must for continuity, our friendship was the perfect example of nature’s consistency to the divine creator’s plan.

She had been well in taking care of the livings, as I was better of a person dealing with the dead. she stared at me, in a sharp glance, as if telling me to take out the bird from its misery. Tremendously surprising enough that ending its misery couldn’t do me any pleasures, rather weaken me for killing a living in its fragile moments.

That Sunday, lightened something lively in me, it challenged me. The shrugging bird was now a fellow music listener, chirping to Stevie Nicks’ Rhiannon, hanging over my twin bookshelves.

