The dog that barked, Pt. 2

Diyan Gawdan
2 min readMay 28, 2020

What happened on 2nd May 2010?

Rejuvenating my memory on that horrid night's accident. In a fragment of a second, less than a blink — the blue truck crashed. Screamed the lungs out of my throat in an instant of deafness to then not have any vocals. In that fuck of a blink, I shattered in the sight of you falling off the bridge. Falling into nothingness, an endless vertical line of darkness that didn’t suck you in. Rather calmly floated you into its void. The horror of seeing you fly off in your beautiful satin blue shirt with a face calm as ever. Staring into me and not wanting to say anything but fall, my heart pounded one pump and stopped forward outside my chest-box. How is it possible for you to be in the air when only a quarter of a second has passed, is physics valid at this moment?

Amid my voiceless cry when everything was finally in pure clarity, there was that dog, that was coming from a pleasant memory. The dog barked endlessly until he reached me crashed outside the flipped truck. when sirens of the ambulance faded I knew something was not in place, Loki was here to guide me home. Except he had died three years ago, and I remembered it well that he was dead already, my emotions wanted him somewhat alive to help me pass the bridge you and I fell off metaphorically.

The bridge looked straight but felt like a maze that had no end, and Loki kept barking. But my temper didn’t infuriate, my body was walking and soul hibernating in a space of mind that I had never thought about aspiring to make or reach. Had the night been so fatal, will I have reached this state of mind? I wouldn’t know.

I hopped towards the end like a Bambi in a maze, having fun with the entries and exits, a non-planned game it was. stars followed us, their glaze light shone upon us in a rhythmic pattern that only mattered to us. Was it 24 seconds? years? didn’t matter either. the catastrophe was behind us and Loki was leading me, my Nostalgia. saxophones started playing such as in a concert and my feet started sinking into the darkness beneath me. I was floating in Bambi hops almost on my toes now and I kept going. Horizontally, into nothingness.

